What a joy it was to welcome all our families last week for our Open House and Book Fair!
#WMDS #preschool #joy #openhouse
What a joy it was to welcome all our families last week for our Open House and Book Fair!
#WMDS #preschool #joy #openhouse
We celebrated Chapel with the Puppy Class singing "He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands."
Thank you to all our classes for participating in the school Dot Art Project! The mural in our entryway showcases "dot" art created by all the unique children in our school. The project is based on International Dot Day celebrated as a way of boosting children's confidence and encouraging creativity. The day is inspired by the book The Dot by author Peter H. Reynolds.
Just make your mark and see where it takes you!
#preschool #WMDS #joy #DotDay