Preschool & Parent's Day Out
We offer a variety of Preschool and Parent’s Day Out classes to meet your family's needs. At the Westbury Methodist Day School (est. 1967) and Mother's Day Out (est. 1963), enrollment is open to all children, regardless of race, ethnic origin, or religious preference. We celebrate the diversity of our students and their families.
Quality and continuity of staff are important parts of our early childhood program. Our teachers (whose average tenure is 9.7 years) are dedicated, caring professionals who enjoy working with young children. We maintain low teacher-to-student ratios, which encourages personal attention between the adult and child. All classes are staffed with at least one lead teacher and one support teacher. Our teachers are highly qualified, many have college degrees, Child Development Associates certification, and/or advanced experience in early childhood education.
The children in our care will develop physically, cognitively, emotionally, socially, and spiritually through our interaction with them and through the experiences we provide.
Physical Development
Each child will continue to develop his/her gross and fine motor skills.
Three year olds learn about mixing primary colors while painting ice
Gross Motor Skills - All children will have opportunities to run, jump, swing, climb, dance, throw and catch balls, push, pull, and ride on toys both indoors and outdoors.
Fine Motor Skills - The children will have opportunities to use a variety of tools such as paintbrushes, scissors, pencils, crayons, and markers. They will have opportunities to use play dough, glue, sand, puzzles, and other manipulative items to build hand strength, coordination and control.
Cognitive Development
Each child will be introduced to age-appropriate content that will increase their knowledge of core academic areas - math, language, science and social studies. They will be introduced to concepts such as number, shapes, colors, sizes, seasons, holidays, animals, plants, families, transportation, and other topics through games, books, songs, flannel board presentations, discussions, art, special guest and other activities. There are opportunities for each child to explore, to wonder, to reason, and to question.
Emotional Development
Each child will grow emotionally through opportunities provided to express and understand their emotions.
Art - The children will be introduced to a wide variety of emotions through art projects, songs, and dance. We encourage "process art" rather than "product art", which means that the emotional process of "doing art" is more important than the final result.
Language - The children will learn to verbalize their feelings through language-building opportunities, such as one-on-one conversations, stories, songs, puppets, and dramatic play. Through planned activities and teachable moments, teachers will role model and guide children through experiences to promote language expression rather than negative behavior such as hitting or pushing.
Social Development
Each child will develop age-appropriate social skills through play and activities with teachers and peers.
Social Play - The children will be encouraged to play with other children throughout their day. Teachers will model social play for the children to guide them from playing independently to parallel play to playing with one or more peers.
Social Skills - The children will be provided opportunities to learn how to take turns, follow directions, listen to a story, share, ask for assistance, sit for a short circle time, and use appropriate table manners.
Self-Help Skills - Teachers will encourage self-help skills such as hand washing, putting away personal items in cubbies, cleaning up after themselves, and going to the bathroom by themselves.
Spiritual Development
Each child will develop an awareness of God's love and the world He created.
Chapel - The children attend chapel service twice a month. We sing songs, hear a short devotion, and pray.
Books, Songs, and Bible Stories - Teachers incorporate Bible stories in to the classroom curriculum. Teachers also read age-appropriate books and sing songs that reflect Christian beliefs and practices.
Prayers - The children will learn how to pray and say prayers before snack and meals. Teachers also share prayers of thankfulness and say prayers for sick friends or family members.
Christian Celebrations - Teachers will explain through stories, activities, prayers, games, and art the Christian stories that surround each holiday on an age-appropriate level.
Music Class
Every student in the school experiences a full Music & Movement class every day. Our Music teachers are trained in the Richards Institute's ETM Program (Education Through Music), which uses song, movement, and play to promote emotional, social, and musical development. Learn more about the ETM program.
Outdoor Science Lab & Garden
Children have the opportunity to dig, play with water and explore in our outdoor science lab and garden. This allows the children to have hands-on activities that complement classroom science study and support the children's love of nature. Whether tending the plants and herbs or adding garden art to the area, we learn to be good stewards of His creation.
Children attend chapel twice a month in the Sanctuary. We sing songs, hear a short devotion, and pray. Parents are always welcome to join us!
Extended Care
Before and after school care is available for children enrolled in the Day School program who are 2-5 years of age. Care is offered from Monday - Thursday 7:30 am-5:30 p.m. and Fridays 7:30 am-3:30 p.m. Extended Care is available September–May only. The same accredited and experienced teachers stay with your children after school.
Summer PDO Program
Westbury Methodist Day School offers a Summer PDO Program with two 3-week sessions and an additional week. It is a 4 days a week (Monday - Thursday) program from 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Classes are available for toddlers through the summer exiting 1st grade.
Enrichment Activities
In-house Field Trips
Children in the 2s, 3s, and 4s classrooms have carefully selected in-house programs which involve community agencies and services. These include firefighters, police officers, veterinarians, dentists, public librarians, former NASA astronauts, members of the Houston Symphony, Houston Museum of Natural Science, the Singing Cowboy, and “Mother Goose.”